Are you looking for ways to get more divorce clients? You know that the post-holiday divorces are coming, so you want to make sure that people are looking to you to handle their divorce. According to the Chicago Tribune, the Monday after Christmas is when divorce rates skyrocket. With our law firm marketing services, you can better ensure that you are doing everything you can to help as many people as possible. Keep reading to learn more about divorce lawyer marketing, and then get in touch with us to get a free website audit.
Is Your Website Performing the Way it Should Be?
A lot of lawyers miss out on getting clients because they do not have a good website and they solely rely on word of mouth for people to find them. Referrals from friends and family are great, but there are so many people who rely on Google to find a lawyer that you do not want to forget about.
You need your website to be visible online and it needs to be good enough for people to stay and engage with it. Divorce lawyer marketing that brings in new clients needs to start with a good website.
If you have a minimalistic website that is hard to use, not optimized for mobile phones and doesn’t have much information on it, you could be losing out on online clients.
Our website design services ensure that your website is attractive, high-speed, educational, and gives people a very easy way to reach you.
Can People Find You Online?
When someone is looking at Google to find a divorce lawyer in their area, is your website showing up in their searches? If you are not utilizing a search engine optimization service, then you are likely not visible to potential clients. Successful divorce lawyer marketing includes this service.
We target specific keywords that we know people search for when they are looking for someone to handle their divorce. If you are not doing this, the only way someone is going to be able to find your website is if they type your firm name into the search engine. That means no one new will be finding you.
Another way that we ensure people see your firm’s name and come to you to set up a divorce consultation is by having Google display ads. These ads appear for people when they are on other websites browsing.
For instance, let’s say someone is thinking of you for their divorce. They go on your website and poke around, but they are not ready to reach out.
Later that day, they are online looking up a recipe for dinner and as they scroll down on the webpage, your Google display ad appears. They would begin seeing your ads when they check the weather for the holidays, search for plane tickets, read a blog about Christmas gift suggestions, etc.
The more they see your firm’s name, the more likely they are to reach out to you as opposed to anyone else to set up their first divorce consultation when they are ready.
Get a Free Website Audit
When you are unsure about how to get the most out of your divorce lawyer marketing online, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We would be glad to provide you with a free website audit where we can go over everything that works and does not work with your website to get you more clients. Get in touch with us before the holidays end so that we can help you get the clients who are looking for help.