You want to help your community after they have been hurt at work. You feel that these injured workers need help. You might be missing out on opportunities to help people. When you are not optimized online, the huge number of people using the internet to find a lawyer are not going to find you. Here are several workers comp attorney marketing tips for success.
If you are looking to gain business and watch your firm grow, we’d be happy to help. After you read these tips from our law firm marketing company, please contact us for a free website audit.
Is Your Website Helping You Grow?
Your website may be lacking in areas needed in order to see growth in your firm. Some components that we want to see in a website design include a website that is full of educational content, gives people a way to interact with you via 24/7 live chat and is fast.
A slow website is one that will fail. People do not want to wait. If your website takes too long to load, you are going to lose people who will go find a website that is faster. The need for instant gratification will impact whether or not someone actually ends up contacting you.
You need to be able to provide a website that loads fast, is easy to use, answers frequent questions, and gives them a way to contact you. We make sure your website performs well enough to keep and engage people enough to start getting more clients.
Can Injured Workers Find Your Firm?
You could have a fantastic website but be invisible to people online. If you are not optimized for Google searches, the only way someone will see you in a Google search is if they type in your firm’s name. Workers comp attorney marketing is most successful when you are targeting keywords that people are going to search.
If someone were to type into Google, “workers comp lawyer near me” you want your website to show up. SEO can get you that result. When you are looking for more growth, you need people to see your website. Word-of-mouth recommendations are great, but they are not enough for you to see significant growth.
We would be more than happy to help you better understand what needs to happen in order for you to have an increase in caseload. We’re here to help you. Get in touch right away.
Get Your Free Website Audit Today
When you are searching for ways to increase your client caseload, we can help you find out what needs to be improved upon with your website. Our free website audit service will give you all of the information that you need in order to get the most out of your online presence.
When you are ready to see real, meaningful growth, fill out a contact form right away. We are here to help you utilize workers comp attorney marketing to your benefit.