If you have been wanting to grow your law firm, you are likely searching for answers. Whether you are a solo attorney or you are in a large law firm, you can benefit from having legal marketing services. Our law firm marketing agency does all of the work for you, so you do not have to worry about how to be successful. Among many services, we provide website marketing for attorneys.
When you are looking to get more clients booked for consultations, get in touch with us right away. We care about the growth of your business and know how to get the results you have been after.
Get a free website audit from us today to learn more about what your website needs.
Key Factors to Successful Website Marketing for Attorneys
When people are looking for a lawyer, they are going to turn to Google more times than not. You certainly likely see referrals, but the way to get more new business is through your website marketing.
One of the really important factors of having a great performing website is making sure that your website is high speed. According to Webmaster, if your website is slow, this is likely to affect your performance with Google’s algorithms. That means that you have fewer visitors and less traffic which means less business.
Another key factor to a successful website is making sure your visitors can always be able to provide vital information to you. You are going to be getting visitors on your website at all hours of the day and night including on holidays. If you want to get people to pick your firm, you need to provide them with 24/7 live chat. When they have access to a live chat service at 2 am where they can input their case information and contact information, you won’t ever have to worry about missing out on potential business because your office was not open.
A huge success factor for websites includes the content that your website has. You want to inform your potential clients about their oncoming cases. Whether you are in family law or criminal defense, your website needs to have a lot of high-quality information. When people learn from your website, they will know that you are trustworthy and authoritative.
Get a Free Website Audit Today
When you request a free website audit from us, you will receive a ton of useful information pertaining to your website. We will give you the data to show you how you could be performing better online. We also show you the areas in which your website is already performing well. When you are ready to get significant growth from your website, request a free website audit or give us a call to get started. We would be happy to help you start to see growth. We have many years of experience handling website marketing for attorneys.