Are you looking to create a website for your law firm? Online marketing is a huge opportunity for you to bring in new leads. You may not know what it takes to create successful attorney websites. Fortunately, we do.
Please keep reading to learn more about how we can help you grow online. Please request your free website audit today if you want to get your current website analyzed by our senior law firm marketing consultation.
We also provide free consultations if you want to talk about creating a successful marketing plan.
Website Design for Attorneys
Attorney websites need to look good, be easy to navigate, educate visitors, and invite them to reach out. These are some of the most basic requirements of website design.
We fill our websites with educational information in the form of practice area pages, eBooks, blogs, and videos. The educational content we provide can answer frequently asked questions, walk someone through how a case works, etc.
We believe that an educated client is a higher-quality client. They come to you already having an idea about how their case may go and will get right to asking the important questions if they can obtain basic information about their case from your website.
We can optimize the educational content we put on your website to perform well on search engines. Relevant keywords can be targeted so that you can reach the appropriate target audience.
We work hard to monitor and update our websites to make sure that they will be as successful as possible.
Please keep reading to learn more about what makes an attorney’s website a powerful tool to draw in leads.
Make Attorney Websites Compatible with Smartphones
If your current website does not work on multiple platforms, you are likely going to lose out on leads. People are not going to try to mess with a website that is hard to navigate on their smartphones or tablets. If your website only works well on PCs or laptops, you will miss out on potential clients.
We ensure that all of our attorney websites are compatible with smartphones, tablets, PCs, and laptops. We want to ensure that the website looks and performs well no matter what device you use.
Law firms that do not have accessible websites will lose business regardless of their talent. It would be a shame for you to lose business to your competitors simply because your website is not accessible on a smartphone.
Add On Services for Digital Marketing
We provide many add-on services for attorney websites, including 24/7 live chat, click-to-call, answering services, local SEO, and Google advertising.
If you are interested in learning how we can further improve your website, please reach out right away to learn more.
Request Your Free Website Audit Today
We provide free website audits for clients who want powerful insights about their current attorney websites. We can help you learn about what is missing with your website. You can find out how you stack up to your competition, your web speed, how you rank in SEO, and so much more.
We would love to help you learn how you can perform better online. Please reach out right away to request your free website from our senior consultant. We also provide free consultations to help you get started.
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